Our energy system has problems… from power outages, high costs, and shutoffs to climate impacts. The system needs to change.
Let’s reduce outages and reduce electric bills.
Let’s build community solar!
What is community solar?
Community solar allows individual communities to develop and own solar projects, bringing low-cost solar energy to their residents. For people who can’t take advantage of rooftop solar, this is an incredible way to get the benefits of solar energy. And because the electricity is coming from solar panels in the community instead of coal or gas plants hundreds of miles away, it’s more efficient and more reliable. Community solar is also a critical tool for advancing energy justice.
Unfortunately, community solar is currently not allowed in Michigan. Only utility companies are allowed to operate these solar arrays, extending their energy monopoly despite terrible service and soaring rates. That’s why we’re calling on our legislators to pass a bill allowing true community solar!
Detroiters want community solar!
Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice talked with residents and the City of Detroit as the City planned a municipal solar project. We heard many residents say that they wanted to receive some of the energy that would be generated in their neighborhood instead of having that power go exclusively to City buildings. The City said they were unable to do this because of the current laws prohibiting community solar.
Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice supports Michigan Senate Bills 152 and 153. These bills are a step in the right direction, and we are working with partners to push for even more equity provisions that help make sure there is as much community ownership as possible.