Detroit Sustainability Action Agenda
Detroit City government gets behind climate change action.

For many years, DWEJ had been advocating for an Office of Sustainability within Detroit City government. We got it the year DWEJ published the Detroit Climate Action Plan (DCAP)—2017.
In 2019, however, we saw the long, deep work of building the DCAP—its goals and action steps, written in plain language—be translated into the foundation of the Detroit Sustainability Action Agenda (DSAA). We at DWEJ were blessed to be the lead organization for design and implementation of the community engagement for the DSAA—asking people what their needs were, their concerns, their opinions in town halls and gatherings, in surveys—paper and online, in multiple languages. The DSAA is the plan the City has now written to work toward making Detroit a safer, healthier, more sustainable place to live and work and raise a family, someplace to comfortably grow old.
And now we must make sure the DSAA moves off the plan dock and into action mode. DWEJ takes that responsibility seriously and hopes you will too.
In a time of increasing climate change challenges, we know this is not business as usual. The truth, however, is that we can make changes in our own community—neighborhoods, businesses large and small, City operations—that will work toward a healthy, sustainable tomorrow. Read the Detroit Sustainability Action Agenda summary or full plan HERE.